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Help for Montreal apartment rentals search

Rental ad management help

Montreal apartment search help

Comments and other resources for apartment rentals in Montreal

Is this site free? Preferential placement and multi-ads

Yes and no. It's free for apartment searches and listings, displaying the maps, Your choices section (tenants console), etc.

But to list apartments, ads start at $3.99 + taxes for two weeks. There are two types of ads: weekly ads and weekly ads with preferential placement.

Those two types of ads, weekly ads with preferential placement, let you pay an initial and very affordable placement fee. If you choose preferential placement, your ads will always be displayed twice: once at the top of the lists in the promoted apartments section and also in the search results with the other listings but with a more visible layout. It is the best way to increase your ads' visibility on the site.

You can add photos for these ads and a link to your website if you have one. Ads with photos are seen 2,5 times more often than ads without them and ads with preferential placement are seen 4,75 times more often.

With multi-choices, you can advertise many apartments in one ad or have one apartment appear in more than on section (in the Annual rental and Short term rental sections for example). One multi-choice ad can replace many single monthly ads and will appear in all the sections those single ads would have appeared. The main advantage of multi-ads is the reduction of advertising costs. Ads with multi-choices are a more expensive more less than if you place separate ads.

There are no refunds for ads placed on the site.

For more information on placing ads, please visit the Place an ad section.

How can I add an apartment? How can I add photos?

Just click on the "Place an ad" link on the main page :

  1. You must first enter the building's address and then click on the Locate it button. A map with the building's location will appear. You can move the location icon in the right place on the map if there's an error. A lot of three most probable neighbourhood are listed below the map. Click the box next to the right one or click on the Select the neighbourhood(s) manually and then select one or more neighbourhoods form the right side of the list.
  2. The description of the apartment is a way to add complementary information, you don't have to include information that is present in other parts of the form. It can contain some simple HTML tags (<b>word</b> to put the word in bold, <u>word</u> to underline it, <ul><li>element<li>element</ul> to make a list and <br> for a line break and <p> for a paragraph), but tags like <img ...> or <script ...> are not tolerated.
  3. You must first indicate the type of rental (annual lease, short term rental, to share or to exchange). The select the number of rooms in the apartment, just check one from the list. If you have a room available (if you are looking for a roommate), select "Room".
  4. Then, specify the monthly rent. Don't include spaces or a dollar sign ($). You can specify an option like negotiable, from..., etc from the list on the right. If the rent includes electricity, heat, parking, etc... you can select the appropriate options later in the this section.
  5. The other information (non-bold fields) in this section is optional. These fields are : closest metro station (make sure it is the correct spelling because it can be used for searches), type of housing ("duplex/triplex/etc" or apartment builings), checkboxes for what included in the rent, the apartment's floor (for people who want access to the backyard or are in a wheel chair or have children, etc), you can specify if the apartment is furnished (yes or no) or with some furniture (stove and refrigerator usually), there are also checkboxes for parking spaces (included in the rent) and fireplaces, etc.
  6. Enter is your e-mail or phone number where you can be reached for more information. If yo don't want to phone number to appear on the ad, you can check the confidentiality box but you must at least enter one number so we can contact you to validate the ad or in case of problems.
  7. You can upload up to 20 photos by clicking the Select your photo files button. Just select the files from your computer, you can select more than one at a time, and they will be uploaded and included with the ad. If you have any trouble with uploading photos, just email us and include the ad's reference number... and the photo files.
  8. Select the duration of the ad in weeks. Then's the preferential placement option for maximum visibility. The invoice shown displayed all the details and total amount to be paid. You can select the mode of payment, either credit card (a secured payment form will then be displayed) or by cheque.
  9. Click on the "Place the ad" button.
  10. If there are errors with the form, it will be displayed again with the errors marked in red. Your ad won't be recorded, and your credit card won't be charged if you selected that mode of payement, until there are no more errors.
  11. The password if mandatory, it is used to remove the apartment from the site. It has to be at least one character long but not more than 10 characters. It can contain letters and/or numbers.
  12. There are no refunds for ads placed on the site.

I have problems including photos with my ad

To include photos with your ad, click the Select your photo files button. Just select the files from your computer, you can select more than one at a time. They will all be uploaded at the same time.

If you do not have photos at the time you placed your ad, you can modify your ad (Modify an ad in the Manage ads section). In both cases, your photos have to be in JPG format and can't be larger than 5 MB. Most digital camera generate large files of many megabytes (1 MB = 1000 KB). This is useful for printing but not the the web. These large files are too heavy for our server and take up a lot of time to upload. We suggest that you reduce the dimensions of your photos. Photos should be 800 x 600 pixels maximum or 600 x 800 pixels for vertical photos. This site reduce them to those dimensions anyway. If you do not have photos at all, you can always do a screen capture of the front of the building on Google Streetview available on Google Maps. If you still are having problems uploading your photos, you can email them to us at info@moremontreal.com, don't forget to mention the ad's reference number.

What is the difference between a "duplex/triplex/etc" and an apartment building? What does the ½ stand for

A logement in a duplex/triplex/etc has its own address (no apartment number) and has its own door that leads directly outside (except for the apartments on the last floor). An apartment usually is in a large building and its door leads into a corridor. The difference may seem trivial but it's important for some people. As for the ½, it's suppose to be the european way to tell how many rooms are in the apartment (what does it actually stand for, good question!!). The most popular explanation is that it represents the bathroom which makes sense since at one time, long ago, the toilets were outside the buildings. Using the &frac12; would then be a polite way to indicate indoor toilets (thanks to the person who sent me the e-mail on this subject).

How do I do an apartment search?

To do an apartment search, you just have to click on the "Search" option the the menu near the top of the pages, fill out the appropriate fields on the form and click on the button at the bottom of it. There are no mandatory field but if you want a more precise search, just fill out more fields. These fields are :

  1. number of rooms : you can select one or more number of rooms from the list. To select more than one number of rooms, press the CTRL key on Windows or cmd ⌘ key on your Mac's keyboard while clicking with the left mouse button on your selection. If you are looking for a roommate, just select "Rooms and roommates" at the bottom of the list. If you select "All" or do not make any selection, then the number of rooms won't be considered in the search.
  2. district(s): you can select one or more districts from the list. To select more than one district, press the CTRL key on Windows or cmd ⌘ key on your Mac's keyboard while clicking with the left mouse button on your selection. If you select "All" or do not make any selection, then the district won't be considered in the search.
  3. rent : if you don't want to pay more than a certain amount for the rent, just enter that amount in the field. If you don't enter any amount, then the rent won't be considered in the search. Don't enter 0 because it will look for an apartment that has a monthly rent lower than 0.
  4. street name : if you are looking for an apartment on a specific street, just enter the name of that street but be careful about the spelling.
  5. metro station : if you are looking for an apartment near a specific metro station, just enter the name of that station but be careful about the spelling.
  6. type of housing : duplex/triplex/etc or apartment building (the "either" button means that the search won't take it into either type into account).
  7. heat included : it says it all!
  8. electricity; included : again, it says it all!
  9. ground floor : if you want an apartment on the ground floor, check this box...
  10. furnished : if you want the apartment to be fully furnished (yes), or with some furniture (some ... usually the refrigerator and the stove) or no furniture or appliances at all (no), just check the corresponding button; the "either" button means that the search won't take furnishings into account.
  11. fireplace : rare but always interesting.
  12. parking included : if you want a reserved space for your car.

I can't see the maps, why?

There are different ways you can see the maps with the location of the apartments displayed on them, but either ways you need a browser that has Javascript enabled (all browser that I know of have Javascript support). Here's how you can see them :

  1. select a district in district list on the Map page and then click "Let's go!". A page with the map at the bottom will then be displayed (a text explaining how the maps work is displayed at the top of the page). If you can't see the map, then either your browser does not have Javascript enabled. Check the preferences / options of your browser. N.B The maps take a couple of seconds to display, so be patient.
  2. go to one of the list of apartments ("List" section on the main page) then go to one of the category and select an apartment from the list. If the district where the apartment is located has a map, it will be displayed at the bottom of the information page.
  3. do an apartment search ("Search" option in the top menu), select an apartment from the list of results. If the district where the apartment is located has a map, it will be displayed at the bottom of the information page.

How do I remove an apartment?

Click on the "Manage ads" button on the main page and the click on Remove an ad, a form will then be displayed. Enter the reference number and the password of the apartment (they were given when you added the apartment). Once you click on the "remove the apartment" button, it will be taken off the lists and the maps.

I lost my reference number and/or my password, what do I do?

If you lost your reference number given when you added your ad, then go to that ad for your apartment and the reference number is now displayed at the top of it (i.e.. Ref. no). As for the password, you will have to go to the Retrieve a lost password or reference number form.

I added an apartment but I can't see it!

The ads for the apartments are added automatically to the site but you have to click on the "reload" button of your browser to see it.

I am looking for a roommate, how do I do it?

There are two ways to find a roommate on the site. If you already have an apartment and are offering a room, just add your ad (see the How can I add an apartment? section). If you don't have an apartment but you are looking for a room, click on the "Search" button on the main page and select "Rooms and roommates" at the bottom of the list of number of rooms and click on the "search" button at the bottom of that search form.

How do I make comments?

If you want to make a comment on the site or have a question, you can e-mail us at info@toutmontreal.com. But do not ask me for information on a particular apartment. I only run the site, the landlords add the ads so contact directly the person who added the ad for more information (I couldn't help you anyway). And please, do not ask me to help you find an apartment, I don't offer that kind of service. Thank you for your understanding.

There is no district for my apartment, what can I do?

If you can't find a district that matches your apartment, you can send a suggestion for a new district to info@toutmontreal.com. You will be contacted if the new district is added.

What are the Internet resources on housing? What are my rights as a tenant/landlord?

Here are some links that could be useful to know your rights as a tenant :

  • Régie du logement (www.rdl.gouv.qc.ca), informations and forms.
  • FRAPRU (www.frapru.qc.ca), le front d'action populaire en réaménagement urbain intervient pour la défense et l'amélioration des conditions de logement et de vie de la population à faible revenu.
  • Atelier habitation Montréal Inc. (www.microtec.net/ahm), groupe de ressources techniques en habitation dont l'objectif principal est d'aider à la réalisation de projets d'habitation coopérative, autogérée et sans but lucratif.
  • Habitat For Humanity Montreal (vitrine-sur-montreal.qc.ca/habitat-mtl), bringing affordable housing to deserving Montreal area families.
  • Société d'habitation du Québec (www.shq.gouv.qc.ca), agency responsible for housing policy and programs in Quebec and acts as the main advisory body to the Gouvernement du Quebec in this area.

Here are some links to landlord associations :