moreMontreal apartments
Everything you want to know about Montreal : how to get here, important phone numbers, exchange rates, etc.
Montreal's restaurants, hotels, bars, museums and much more.
From Old Montreal to the Plateau and Chinatown, all the iinformation is divided accordingly with maps.
Road maps
Public transit
Bars and clubs
Old Montreal
Downtown Montreal
Plateau Mont-Royal
• General index of the site
Other more services
Tue Oct 22 2024 / 07:04 / 10°C   

New : plenty of Hotels and Restaurants maps in the Montreal by category section.

Welcome to the moreMontreal eGuide, an electronic guide to Montreal sights and activities, formerly known as the "Things to do in Montreal" list that has informed thousands of visitors to Montreal since 1993. This guide contains exhaustive lists of what to see, what to do, where to eat and sleep... It is written by a montrealer for anyone how visits Montreal or lives in Montreal. You can find information for all tastes : from touristy sights to out-of-the-way local activities, from low-budget visits to upscale and high priced hotels and restaurants.

The guide is huge and I am only one person, so I try to keep it up to date as much as possible; however, some sections may contain old information. So always call first (for hotels, restaurants and bars) to check if these places are still open and if the information is still accurate. Thanks for your understanding.

The guide is divided in three main sections, that's all you will need:

General information, everything you need to know about getting to Montreal, the important addresses (consulates, etc.), information on public transit, a dictionary, etc.
Montreal by category, restaurants, hotels, entertainement, etc.
Montreal by neighbourhood, where you can discover the different neighbourhoods in Montreal: Downtown, Old Montreal, Chinatown, the Plateau Mont-Royal, etc.

Have a good visit!

Int. Documentary Festival
  from November 7 to 18 2012
  from November 12 to 15 2012

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Last update: 01/02/2024

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