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  1. Club des Collectionneurs de Jeux Vidéo du Québec
  2. Cribbage.ca, "download card games, cribbage, video poker or a word search puzzles maker. Find rules, FAQ, links, PC video games downloads."
      See Cribbage.ca's complete listing
     Region: South-shore
  3. (N)FestiLAN, "convention unique de la culture gaming au Québec. Profitez d'un week-end inoubliable avec vos streamers préférés, un LAN party, des jeux de table et des consoles. Participez à notre marathon de gaming de 48h et soutenez la levée de fonds caritative Extra Life".
      See FestiLAN's complete listing
     Region: Island of Montreal
  4. Forum de jeux vidéo du Québec, "portail et forum de jeux video console, console portable, PC et console next-gen. Si vous avez la meme passion que nous venez discuter avec nous sur notre forum".

  5. Montréal Game Jam, "our mission as the Montreal Game Jam is to gather students, amateurs and professionals to stimulate the creation of innovative ideas. We want to nurture the collaboration in the Montreal community."
    Adresse: 1100 rue Notre-Dame Ouest Montreal, QC .
      See Montréal Game Jam's complete listing
     Region: Island of Montreal
  6. Pixelles Montreal, "a non-profit initiative committed to helping more women make and change games. We're based in Montreal, and have already succeeded in building a supportive community of game creators, both hobbyist and professional."
      See Pixelles Montreal's complete listing
     Region: Island of Montreal

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