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Bars and restaurants
  • Restaurant section - moreMontreal eGuide, lists more than 300 restaurants, most with full reviews and locations on interactive Java maps. Be amongst the first ones listed here, click here for more information
  • sites
    1. À La Carte Express
      Adresse: 4700 rue St-Ambroise (#44) Montréal (Québec) H4C 2C7. Tél.: 514-933-7000
        See À La Carte Express's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    2. an endless banquet: montreal food map
    3. Association des restaurateurs de rue du Québec, "l'ARRQ veut faire de la restauration de rue une attraction incontournable pour les habitants et les visiteurs des villes du Québec".
      Adresse: 6418 boul. Saint-Laurent Montréal QC H2S 3C4. Tél.: 514-274-2719
        See Association des restaurateurs de rue du Québec's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    4. Association des restaurateurs du Québec
      Adresse: 6880 Louis-H.-La Fontaine Montréal, Québec H1M 2T2. Tél.: 514 527-3066
        See Association des restaurateurs du Québec's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    5. Dcouverteculinaire, "je suis une éducatrice passionnée par les enfants mais aussi par la bouffe, je suis légèrement hyperactive finalement peut-être beaucoup! Gourmande, qui aime découvrir et explorer! au plaisir de vous faire découvrir mon univers!".
        See Dcouverteculinaire's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    6. Dishcrawl Montreal, "explore 4 restaurants in 1 night! It's like a pub crawl, but with food! Dishcrawls are guided, walkable tours of your city."
        See Dishcrawl Montreal's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    7. DuResto.ca, "pour toi, + qu'un guide de restaurants".
        See DuResto.ca's complete listing
       Region: Greater Montreal
    8. Eater Montreal, "the Montreal Restaurant, Bar, and Nightlife Blog."
        See Eater Montreal's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    9. Eater Montreal Heatmap, "the hottest restaurants in Montreal right now."
        See Eater Montreal Heatmap's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    10. Eating Out in Montreal
        See Eating Out in Montreal's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    11. EatWell Montreal, "Montreal Restaurant Reviews."
        See EatWell Montreal's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    12. enQuira
        See enQuira's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    13. Experience Old Montreal
        See Experience Old Montreal's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    14. Globe Croqueuse
        See Globe Croqueuse's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    15. Goûte ton quartier / Taste Your Neighbourhood, "in 2013, Yellow Pages hosted the first edition of Taste Your Neighbourhood in Montreal, promoting the growth and success of small businesses. Those who joined were led by knowledgeable guides on one of 11 free guided walking tours through the streets of the city to discover what the various local restaurants, cafés and breweries are offering."
    16. Happy Cow's Global Guide to Vegetarian Restaurants - Montreal
    17. Inspection des aliments (Ville de Montréal)
    18. Jeremy & Vinita's Montreal Restaurant Guide
    19. Just-Eat Canada Inc.
        See Just-Eat Canada Inc.'s complete listing
       Region: Greater Montreal
    20. Kosher Delight - Montreal, list of Kosher restaurants and stores.
    21. La Meilleure Poutine.com, "comment trouver la meilleure poutine au Québec, au Canada ou aux États-Unis? Le site Lameilleurepoutine.com va tenter de répondre à cette question en prenant les commentaires des internautes".
        See La Meilleure Poutine.com's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    22. La Page des Bars et Restaurants de Montréal
      Adresse: Pierrefonds Pierrefonds .
        See La Page des Bars et Restaurants de Montréal's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    23. La Poutine Week, "savour gourmet poutine creations and vote for your favorites."
        See La Poutine Week's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    24. Le Burger Week, "vos restaurants favoris de Québec, Montréal, Winnipeg, Toronto et Port-au-Prince vous offrent des burgers incroyables!".
        See Le Burger Week's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    25. Le gourmet galopin, "blogue culinaire et gourmand du critique restaurant Gildas Meneu".
        See Le gourmet galopin's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    26. Les meilleures tables du Québec, "le répertoire et le guide le plus complet des meilleurs restaurants du Québec (dont la région de Montréal). Visite virutelle des établissements, promotion, réservation en ligne, recettes, et beaucoup plus...".
      Adresse: Cap-Rouge Cap-Rouge . and 3 other adress(es)
        See Les meilleures tables du Québec's complete listing
       Region: Greater Montreal

    27. Métro Boulot Resto, "the shortest path to one's stomach passes by the metro..."
        See Métro Boulot Resto's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    28. Miam Africa, "les délices de l'Afrique".
        See Miam Africa's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    29. Montréal Bouffe
        See Montréal Bouffe's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    30. Montreal Burger Report, "burgers. You know you love 'em. We love 'em too, so we've dedicated our burger love to eating and reporting on the various burgers that are available in Montreal, QC, CA."
        See Montreal Burger Report's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal

    31. Montreal Poutine, "we have reviews, recipes, and history of poutine."
        See Montreal Poutine's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    32. Montreal's fine dining spots
    33. Mr. Lew's Great Burger Search
    34. Pizza Click
        See Pizza Click's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    35. Pizzli
        See Pizzli's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    36. Plat Montréal
        See Plat Montréal's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    37. Primes MTY / MTY Rewards
      Adresse: 3465 boul. Thimens, Saint-Laurent (Québec) H4R 1V5.
        See Primes MTY / MTY Rewards's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    38. Question De Goût, "directory of Montréal restaurants including chinese, italian cuisine, spanish meals and many more. Also express your opinion on the restaurants you know."
      Adresse: Pierrefonds Pierrefonds .
        See Question De Goût's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    39. Red Lips Talk, "nous partageons nos coups de coeur et découvertes à Montréal : restaurants, recettes, achat local, culture, sorties et voyages".
        See Red Lips Talk's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    40. Restaurant Montreal
        See Restaurant Montreal's complete listing
       Region: Greater Montreal
    41. Restaurant section - moreMontreal eGuide, lists more than 300 restaurants, most with full reviews and locations on interactive Java maps.
    42. Restaurant.ca
      Adresse: 108 Gallery Sq. Suite 200 Montreal, Qc H3C 3R3.
        See Restaurant.ca's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    43. restaurantica, "find and share restaurant reviews, ratings, menus, coupons, maps, photos and more..."
        See restaurantica's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    44. Resto Loco
        See Resto Loco's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    45. Resto Montréal
        See Resto Montréal's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal

    46. RestoEnLigne.com, "Montréal restaurants directory."
        See RestoEnLigne.com's complete listing
       Region: Greater Montreal
    47. RestoQuebec.ca, "established since 2013, RestoQuebec.ca, owned by Mitopa Inc., is the ultimate reference for finding restaurants in Quebec City! The site is visited by people of the city, tourists and foodies. With our advanced search engine, you can get detailed information on restaurants and help you to find menus, photos, videos, promotions, reviews and more."
        See RestoQuebec.ca's complete listing
       Region: Greater Montreal
    48. Roasted, "I wanted to write a Montreal Food Blog in order to showcase the best Montreal has to offer. Montreal is a fantastic city for restaurants, and sometimes it can be a bit daunting deciding where to start. Montreal also has a fantastic array of food resources from farmers markets to specialty grocers."
        See Roasted's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    49. Shoestring Montreal, "dedicated to uncovering Montreal's greatest cheap restaurants - because living on a budget doesn't have to suck."
        See Shoestring Montreal's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    50. Shut up and eat, "if it tastes good, it's here."
        See Shut up and eat's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    51. slumming and unslumming, "writings on food, history, Montreal, and food and history in Montreal. And sometimes music."
        See slumming and unslumming's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    52. Street Food MTL, "a Web App that will allow users (streetfood lovers and gourmets) to locate, at any time, all the nicest and closest trucks and take-out places."
        See Street Food MTL's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    53. TASTET, "tout sur les restaurants de Montréal et ce qui entoure le milieu".
        See TASTET's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    54. The Poutine Pundit, "your guide to the best poutine in Montreal (and elsewhere)."
        See The Poutine Pundit's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    55. Top Menu
        See Top Menu's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    56. Ville de Montréal - Cuisine de rue, "jusqu'au 29 septembre 2013, des camions de cuisine de rue vous proposent tous les jours de 7 h à 22 h de belles surprises gustatives sur neuf sites du centre-ville dans le cadre d'un projet-pilote. Des cuisiniers créatifs réinventent vos pique-niques à la sauce urbaine!".
    57. West Island Restaurants, "as the West Island continues to grow, new restaurants open up all the time. No other Montreal restaurant site serves the West Island."
        See West Island Restaurants's complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    58. What the fork?
        See What the fork?'s complete listing
       Region: Island of Montreal
    59. World Guide to Vegetarianism - Montréal, list of vegetarian and vegan restaurants (and markets) in Montreal, also contains descriptions and critics.
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