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  1. Clé Verte, "programme de certification environnementale des ateliers de services automobiles sur une base volontaire, développé et géré dans l'ensemble du Québec par Nature-Action Québec, en collaboration avec la Table de concertation sur l'environnement et les véhicules routiers".
    Adresse: 120 rue Ledoux Beloeil QC J3G 0A4.
      See Clé Verte's complete listing
     Region: South-shore

  2. (N)Entraves et fermetures à la circulation en cours - Ville de Montréal, "localisez les entraves occasionnées par des travaux pour connaître leurs impacts sur la circulation et sur votre quotidien".
  3. Essence Montréal, "a real-time forum where consumers can post current gasoline prices in the city of Montreal and its suburbs."
      See Essence Montréal's complete listing
     Region: Island of Montreal
  4. Info Neige Montréal, "where to park during snow removal!"
      See Info Neige Montréal's complete listing
     Region: Island of Montreal
  5. Info-Neige MTL (App Store on iTunes), "the best source of information on the status of snow loading this winter in Montréal."
  6. La société des ponts fédéraux Limitée / The Federal Bridge Corporation Limited
  7. Les Ponts Jacques Cartier et Champlain Incorporée, "presentation of the Corporation, is structures (bridges and tunnel) and events."
    Adresse: Longueuil Longueuil .
      See Les Ponts Jacques Cartier et Champlain Incorporée's complete listing
     Region: South-shore
  8. Montréal en chantier
      See Montréal en chantier's complete listing
     Region: Island of Montreal
  9. Parkopedia, "find parking costs, opening hours and a parking map of all Montreal Qc Canada parkades, street parking, parking meters and private garages."
      See Parkopedia's complete listing
     Region: Island of Montreal
  10. PlugShare, "the world's most popular app for finding electric car and EV charging stations! View real-time station availability, add photos, review stations and more. EV charging station map also available on iPhone and Android."
      See PlugShare's complete listing
     Region: Greater Montreal
  11. Pont Samuel-de-Champlain / Samuel-de-Champlain Bridge, "the new Champlain Bridge is one of the largest projects of the past 40 years in Quebec. Its construction, which should be completed by the end of 2018, will create one of the most innovative structures of the modern era."
  12. Québec 511 - Transports du Québec, "road network conditions online."
  13. Signé Turcot / Signed Turcot, "a junction with issues."
  14. Stop: Toutes Directions, "a quantitative and linguistic analysis of 2816 stop signs in Montreal in 2008."
      See Stop: Toutes Directions's complete listing
     Region: Island of Montreal

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